Ornithological studies, photography, and birding tours
by Knut Eisermann

I am an Engineer in Nature Conservation and Landscape Management. Living in Guatemala since 1997, my research focusses on the natural history of selected bird species, bird distribution, evaluations of the status of threatened species, and identifications of critical areas for conservation, and has been published in numerous papers and book chapter. Earlier I was involved in research and conservation initiatives in Germany, with focus on birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles, dragonflies, and plants.

My bird research has been useful for different conservation initatives and local tourism programs in Guatemala. In 2008, I co-coordinated the identification of Important Bird Areas in Guatemala under the umbrella of BirdLife International.
Juvenile Bearded Screech-Owls Megascops barbarus. This owl is endemic to the highlands of Guatemala and the neighboring Mexican state of Chiapas. Based on my preliminary research on the distribution of this owl, it was uplisted from Near Threatened to Vulnerable in the BirdLife/IUCN Red List of globally threatened species in 2012.
Together with Claudia Avendaño we founded CAYAYA BIRDING, a tour operator specialized on birdwatching, in 2003. Since then I enjoy sharing my knowledge on Guatemalan birds with world birders on birding tours throughout the country. Under the umbrella of CAYAYA BIRDING, we have been teaching local birding guides at several sites throughout Guatemala.

I enjoy photographing wildlife and nature since my childhood. Some of my images have been published in books and articles. Many more have been useful for documenting the avifauna of Guatemala and for showcasing the birds of Central America to world birders on our CAYAYA BIRDING website.